Certificate in Manager Management
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Module One: Getting Started
Workshop Objectives
Module Two: Grooming a New Manager
Set Specific Goals
Authority (What They Can and Can’t Do)
Create a Shared Vision
The More They Learn, the More Responsibility They Get
Module Two: Review Questions10 xp
Module Three: Coaching and Mentoring (I)
Writing Performance Reviews
Provide Clear and Timely Feedback
Praise in Public, Criticize in Private
Make Sure Your Door is Always Open
Module Three: Review Questions10 xp
Module Four: Coaching and Mentoring (II)
Offer Advice, Not the Solution
Create a Supportive Environment
Build Ownership
360 Degree Feedback
Module Four: Review Questions10 xp
Module Five: Measuring Performance
Staying Within Their Budget
Setting Measurable Objectives
Setting Measurable Objectives
Skip Level Feedback
Collaborate on Criteria to be Evaluated
Module Five: Review Questions10 xp
Module Six: Motivating Managers
Provide the Needed Resources
Bonuses and Incentives
Give Credit for Good Work
Keep Them Challenged
Module Six: Review Questions10 xp
Module Seven: Signs of Poor Management
Missed Deadlines
Team Turnover
Losing Customers
Little or No Growth
Module Seven: Review Questions10 xp
Module Eight: Trust Your Team of Managers
Do Not Micromanage
Promote Open and Honest Communication
Reward Initiative
Trust, But Verify
Module Eight: Review Questions10 xp
Module Nine: When an Employee Complains About Their Manager
Keep the Information Confidential
Gather Information from Both Sides
Coach or Delegate the Solution
Follow-up with the Manager or Employee
Module Nine: Review Questions10 xp
Module Ten: When Do You Step In?
Unsafe or Dangerous Events
Legal Ramifications
Severe Financial Costs
Repeated Failures after Coaching Has Occurred
Module Ten: Review Questions10 xp
Module Eleven: Remember These Basic Qualities
Express Confidence in Their Abilities
Practice What You Preach
Have an Open Door
Their Success is Your Success
Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Words from the Wise
End of Course Certification
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